Christie Craig's Street Team
Christie Craig's Street Team
Christie Craig is an award-winning, multi-published writer whose non-fiction and photography have appeared in almost three thousand national magazines. Her work has appeared in magazines such as Reader's Digest, Redbook, Woman's World, Weight Watchers' Magazine, Home, Western Lifestyle, and American Gardener. Her sometimes humorous, always emotionally satisfying essays have appeared in over sixteen anthologies such as Chicken Soup for Soul. Her nonfiction about every thing from home decorating to buying a home has resulted in book sales (The 250 Questions Every Homebuyer Should Ask) and regular interior design features (Houston Lifestyles & Homes.) Her latest non-fiction book, co-authored with Faye Hughes, to be released September 08, is The Everything Guide To Writing a Romance Novel.
Gardening : Travel : Food : Arts, Antiques/Home Designs : Pets : Profiles : Essays
Houston Lifestyles and Homes:
A Touch of Giverny
Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul:
A Garden so Rich
Texas Journey:
Nature's Party--Must See Gardens
Birds & Blooms:
A Blossoming Plot
Family Fun:
The Texas Blueberry Festival
Hot Hot Hot
Country Discoveries:
The Texas Hill Country
Christmas With a Drall
Texas Journey:
Glen Rose: A Small Town with Texas-Size Fun
A Tour Into the Past
Where is This Building? What is its Name?
Birds & Blooms:
A Blossoming Plot
Houston Lifestyle & Homes:
The Thrall of Time
Houston Lifestyle & Homes:
Visions of Art
Houston Lifestyle & Homes:
Kitchens & Baths
Kitten Guide
Why A Cat?
Cats Magazine:
Big & Beautiful
The Fat Cat
Leave My Leaves Alone